Telegram has introduced a new “Gifts” feature, allowing users to send customizable animated presents to their friends. These gifts, including personalized messages, are displayed on a special tab in the recipient’s profile. Telegram users also have the option to sell their gifts in exchange for virtual currency, known as “Telegram Stars.”
Earlier this year, Telegram launched its in-app currency, Stars, which enables users to support creators or pay for services in the platform’s Mini Apps. The new gift feature expands on this system, providing a fun way for users to engage with each other while offering a unique avenue for monetization through virtual currency.
Limited-edition gifts and NFT conversion
A notable aspect of this new feature is the introduction of limited-edition gifts, which Telegram plans to convert into NFTs through its blockchain, TON. These limited-edition gifts will allow users to auction or trade their presents outside the app, with ownership tracked via blockchain technology.

Source: Telegram
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov shared more details about the feature, explaining that the animated gifts will soon have NFT support. He also noted that users can convert specific gifts into TON-based NFTs later this year. The ability to trade these digital presents as NFTs opens up new possibilities for exchanging value on Telegram, particularly for those interested in blockchain technology.
Business verification service upgrades
In addition to the new Gifts feature, Telegram has also updated its business verification services. This upgrade includes a new platform that allows companies to use the Fragment platform to send verification codes to customers for just $0.01 per code.
The new system is designed to be faster and more secure than traditional SMS-based verification, providing a cost-effective alternative for businesses. Additionally, the API is available for developers to test, allowing them to experiment with the platform’s capabilities before integrating it into their services.
CEO Durov’s response to privacy concerns
As Telegram rolls out these new features, questions regarding the platform’s privacy policies and cooperation with law enforcement have resurfaced. CEO Pavel Durov confirmed that Telegram began working with authorities to share crime-related information in 2018.
Despite this cooperation, Durov emphasized that Telegram remains committed to protecting user privacy, ensuring that the platform’s policies do not allow misuse. This statement comes from recent legal challenges involving the French government, where Durov faces charges of alleged illegal activities on Telegram.
With these new features and updates, Telegram continues to evolve as a platform, integrating user-centric options like Gifts with the growing world of NFTs and blockchain technology. The company also aims to enhance its business services while navigating concerns around privacy and security.